Product Design


Product Design

AT&T Sample
AT&T Sample






Senior Design Lead


Upon joining AT&T, I was welcomed as a subject-matter expert on Lifecycle Dashboards, tasked with leading the ambitious project of redesigning the Multi-Cloud NAAS Platform and devising a strategic plan for an API Product Portal. The primary objective was to drive innovation and enhance these platforms, ensuring they more effectively meet the needs of both prospective and current customers.


My role entailed spearheading the overhaul of the Network Topology Platform and developing a comprehensive strategy and design for an API Product Portal. This process involved reimagining APIs as integral digital products and required extensive collaboration across various departments, from Marketing to Network Infrastructure, aiming to forge a seamless and unified user experience. A key part of my responsibilities also included upgrading the Topology Management portal’s usability and its integration with major cloud services (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud).


In pursuit of these ambitious goals, I initiated and guided the ideation process, championing the concept of APIs as digital products. I orchestrated a team effort that brought together a diverse group of professionals to ensure a consistent and intuitive user interface. By partnering closely with other Subject Matter Experts, we collectively re-envisioned the Topology Management portal, enhancing its user-friendliness and cloud-compatibility. My role as a leader was crucial in crystallizing the vision for the API portal and in sustaining the momentum of the Topology Platform’s success through diligent user research, innovative brainstorming sessions, meticulous wireframe design, and the development of a comprehensive design library.


While the API portal is in ongoing development, the clear vision has promising potential. The revamp of the Topology Platform has continued to thrive, achieving a landmark success where a network decommissioning initiative realized a savings of $300 million and accelerated the project timeline by six months. This accomplishment underscores the transformative power of strategic foresight and collaborative leadership in enhancing and advancing technological platforms, with significant credit due to the collective efforts and expertise of the team members involved.

Always open for brainstorming and consulting services.

Always open for brainstorming and consulting services.